Here is a glimpse into our life with newborn twins - Sometimes it still doesn't seem like this our new reality!
Anytime we want to go anywhere we use this snazzy Double Snap-N-Go. Their carseats just sit on the frame which makes it easy to get them in and out of the van without waking them up. When the babies get bigger we have a Double BOB for walks and going out. The weather has been nice lately so we usually walk down to the mail in the afternoons as a family.
This week I braved taking all three girls out by myself - Something I never thought I would attempt let alone be able to do! I figured I can always turn around and come home if things get too crazy.
Monday - Bank and Super Walmart
Tuesday - Super Target
Wednesday - Library for Storytime
At the stores, Kate rides in a cart (which I pull behind me) and the babies use the Snap-N-Go (which I push in front of me). I try to go in the morning so that the stores are not crowded and I can take up the whole aisle if necessary. My steering skills are not the best!
We always feed them at the same time to keep them on the same schedule. Sometimes only one of us does the feeding using the Boppies, but lately they have been boycotting this method. Hopefully this is just a phase! Kate's "job" is to hand us the bottles of milk. She always asks "Which one you like?" and then we have to pick the color. We have to say "I need it please" in an urgent voice in order for her to bring it over. It is some elaborate ritual she has concocted that has to be done just so. It is quite funny what she comes up with in her imagination!
Laundry is never ending, but then again I love to do laundry so I don't mind.
Our friend Amy comes every Sunday morning to help me get everyone ready for church. We would not get there without her!
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