Here are the facts:
Abigail - 10lbs. 9oz. (50%) 22 in (45%)
Eveline - 10lbs. 2oz. (40%) 22.5 in (55%)
We were surprised they weighed so much - I was expecting 9lbs. or so. I just love their rolls in the picture!
Abigail's weight might be slightly less since she had a majorly dirty diaper that exploded everywhere just after getting weighed. We basically had to use her blanket that she was wrapped up in at the time to clean her off it was so bad. What fun!
The Dr. was really pleased with the amount of weight they have gained so we have moved their schedule to feeding every 4 hours during the day and hopefully they will start sleeping for longer stretches at night (5-6 hours) without waking to eat. Yay for Mom and Dad and more sleep!
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